Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman

As the day of the test approaches, Eon is increasingly apprehensive. Despite his mind-sight which allows him to see into the spirit world, and to view all 11 dragons, he is crippled from a childhood injury. It is generally believed that he will never be chosen as the next Rat Dragoneye apprentice, but there is too much riding on this for him to give up.

For one thing...Eon isn't really his name...it's Eona, and she's also masquerading as a boy to hide her gender. For the past four years, she has trained under her Master with one goal in mind: to become the next Dragoneye. It would guarantee both her fortune, and his. It would most likely save her life. During the ceremony, however, she is not chosen by the Rat Dragon. Everything is over.

Or is it?! The lost Mirror Dragon, missing for over 500 years, appears and chooses her. Can this be happening? A lost dragon out of its ascension year has chosen her? In front of the Emperor himself, she is claimed. Suddenly she is rudely shoved into a life of politics, court etiquette, and even more secrets than she could have imagined. Far from the easy life she envisioned, Eona - Lord Eon now - is thrust into the middle of a power struggle between the Emperor and the Ascendant Rat Dragoneye, Lord Ido.

Ido and his ally High Lord Sethon want to make a play for the throne. With Ido's dragon power, and Sethon's military might, it's a very real possibility. The Emperor quickly makes it known that Eon is on his side, and will support his cause. He enlists the help of Lady Dela (a Contraire, a man living as a woman), and her body servant Ryko, a Shadow man (AKA he's a eunuch). They help him navigate the dangerous realm of court, and Ryko helps him steal the Mirror Dragon scroll in an effort to discover Eon's dragon's name. Without it, Eon is unable to call for the Dragon's help.

Lord Ido continues to exert his influence as "accidents" continue to happen in his favor. At times it seems Eon is outnumbered at every turn. Hiding his (her) true nature is taking its toll as well, and Eon fears for the empire, as well as his (her) life. What can one person do against the war machine that Ido and Sethon wield? With the Emperor's health failing, and the council under Ido's control, it's going to take something really drastic to shift the tide in the other direction. Will Eon find the name of his dragon? All hopes rest with Eon (Eona)...can she save them?
"I caught a soft lilt with no form, no meaning, and then it faded away like the end of a sigh. I spread my fingers across the hard, velvety surface - a silent plea to let me try again. But it was gone.
The pearl moved under my hands as the dragon lifted his head. He was calling for me, a piercing shriek that coursed through my body, searching for my core. There was nowhere to hide from the silver rush of energy. It stripped my soul bare, peeling back the shell of Eon. Finding me.
Finding Eona," (Goodman pg. 117, 2008).
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If you liked this, check out:
Eona by Alison Goodman (Eon, Book 2)
The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima (Seven Realms, Book 1)
Sabriel by Garth Nix (Abhorsen Trilogy, Book 1)

Goodman, Alison. (2008). Eon: Dragoneye Reborn. New York: Viking.

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