Temping Fate by Esther Friesner

Ilana is reaching the last of the last chances to land a summer job. If she can't, her parents have "promised to figure something out"...which pretty much translates into something horrible (like band camp *shudder*). This last interview is actually a shot in the dark. She found a business card for D.R. Temps in her sister's room.

All the other prospective employers have been turned off by That Attitude Thing, or maybe her "ORC: the other green meat" shirt. She's determined to behave herself this time. The only thing that really has her worried is the small skull she drew on her cheek that won't come off...shouldn't have used permanent ink I guess? The temp agency is...not what she expected. First she has to jimmy her way in the door, then the crazy woman in charge berates her for everything about her appearance but the tiny cheek skull! Maybe this job won't be so bad after all? That's when Mrs. Atatosk starts in with the "We love your sister" bit, just like everyone else. How can she possibly live up to perfect Dyllin expectations? Just when Ilana is about to say forget it, she is handed an envelope containing $500. In advance. For a job she hasn't even tried to do.

Friday morning arrives, and so does she, at Tabby Fabricant Textiles. Let's just say it isn't what she was expecting: what with the proprietors actually being the Fates and all. You know, the women in charge of your life line? The ones who make (Clotho), measure (Lachesis), and cut (Atropos) the span of your life?!?!?! This cannot be happening. There cannot be a temp agency for the gods, can there? The weekly temp meeting that afternoon convinces her that she isn't losing it, and actually calms her down a bit. It turns out Dyllin actually did this for years, and (outside of being a complete psychotic Bridezilla lately) doesn't seem worse for wear. She could get used to this...

The summer is progressing nicely: she's made friends with Arachne, as well as with some of the other temps. While there have been a few bumps in the road (manipulating life threads can be very entertaining), overall she's having a great time. With the end of summer - and Dyllin's wedding - approaching, it seems she might survive after all! It's not like one of the other temps will steal power from a god to try and wreck the wedding...that wouldn't happen...nah...

Light-hearted and funny, this is a great quick read. Friesner weaves in mythology effortlessly. Recommended for middle school and up.
"'Like it?' The spider lounged in the empty tray, idly paging through a small booklet with the title So, You're Going to Control the Destiny of the World. "Aren't you glad you stopped whining about 'Ooh, I wouldn't, I couldn't, I shouldn't, what if the Fates found out?' and just tried it? See? Nothing bad happened. In fact, I'd say you are definitely having a major educational experience here.'
'This is just...awesome.' Ilana wasn't really listening to the spider anymore. She was too fascinated by the wonders passing before her eyes to remind Arachne that she'd been the one who'd been so upset at the thought of a newbie temp being given spindle-sitting duty," (Friesner pg. 104, 2006).
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If you liked this, check out:
Nobody's Princess by Esther Friesner
The Wee Free Men by Terry Prachett
Pandora Gets Jealous by Carolyn Hennesy

Friesner, Esther. (2006). Temping fate. New York: Dutton Children's Books.

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